Sunday, January 5, 2020
Allegory Essay - 704 Words
Allegory Plato’s The Allegory of the Cave is a short story specifically discussing the parallels between the shadows the prisoners sees on the wall of the cave, and the illusion, which passes off as truth in today\\s society. The Allegory of the Cave is about Socrates teaching his student, Glaucon, certain principles of life by telling him one of his allegories. The Allegory of the Cave can be interpreted in many ways; one way is to make a comparison between the story and the way of thinking by individuals in a closed society. Socrates states that the cave is a world many of us would like to see, but is not really how the world is. It is almost like the movie \\The Matrix\\, where Neo, the main character is to discover that the world†¦show more content†¦The sun will hurt their eyes, and so, will they keep thinking that the shadows are real. If they would be dragged upwards, they would be perplexed by the light, and would not know whether what they are seeing is reality or fiction. After being in the light for longer, they would become accustomed to it, and begin to see more than just shadows and vague visions, they would see everything brightly and clearly. They would now know the pleasure of knowledge, and pity their companions. If they now return to the den, they would see worse than the rest of the prisoners. They would be back in a world where the prison is realistic and the sun is harmful. What Socrates wants to explain with this allegory is that many people often close their eyes to reality. They would often believe everything that seems to be true, because they don\\t know any better. When they are able to learn new things, it\\s too late, because they have already been so used to their tradition, or culture. Change would be out of the question, because they are living perfectly with the habits they have now. The truth will hurt them, and because of that, they do not want to know about it. If someone would confront them with proof that there are more and better things to life than what they are used to, they would be shocked and loose their trust. They would not know what is true and untrue anymore. SomeShow MoreRelatedEssay on Allegory in Lord of the Flies1473 Words  | 6 PagesAllegory in Lord of the Flies In William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, which is set during World War II, English school boys, escaping war in England, crash on a deserted tropical island. From the protected environment of boarding school, the boys are suddenly thrust into a situation where they must fend for themselves. In order to survive, the boys copy their country’s rule for a civilized life by electing a leader, Ralph. He promises order, discipline, and rules for the boys so that they formRead MoreThe Allegory of the Cave2024 Words  | 9 PagesIntroduction: An allegory is a kind of story in which writer intends a second meaning to be read beneath the surface story. 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